Sunday, September 18, 2005


Have finally finished the finishing touches for my McSweeneys submission. The idea is to get published online as a way to promote the confidence necessary to start working on something bigger (Bannerman). The piece centered around Spongebob Squarepants breaking free of his surly employer, Mr. Krabs, and in doing so, killing him violently. Small proletariat uprisings, actually, are a common theme in my writing, and maybe not so coincidentally, in my daydreams.

This is Polish Vialli's tattoo, that he insisted I photograph so he can send img to his ex-gf. It cost him $200 in Thailand, and every time I look at this photo I think about how, for the same price, a pair of colored contacts would get as many girls AND let him change colours.

Actually, the piece was a little disconnected and I had lost enthusiasm for the topic by the third draft, so I'm not expecting it to go up.

I could spend my whole life reading McSweeneys. It's the purple patio bug light for witty people who don't have the time or conversely, have too much money or sense to become professional writers. I'm a little bit worried that I have spent too much time in anti-intellectual pursuits or pursued low-brow entertainment too fervently to be able to ape the conventions of writing humourously for educated people.

I guess I'll keep reading and trying until I give up or die or both. It worked for me with the Globe and Mail Daily Challenge (ca. 1995?), although even my girlfriend at the time got her entry accepted before I did.


Blogger Burnt Toast said...

Check out Ronald Wright's 2004 Massey Lectures for more about "aping conventions".

12:02 a.m.  

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