Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The times they are a Changin ...yet again.

Today one of my students asked me if I had heard about B.O.A., a Korean (or is it Japanese?) pop group. I HAVE actually, since I am just that cool, but of course I haven't heard any of their music. Korean music S - U - C - K - S. There is just no other way to put it. All of it - from every genre EXCEPT samul nori, which you have to respect, because it's traditional music. Also, my (possibly first) Korean friend, Suwon James, is a class player, among other things.

Anyway, this student asked me if I had heard a particular song - "Girls on Top". That's a Hoodoo Gurus song, I thought.
Then I went BACK IN TIME. And several years later I was back in the classroom but NO TIME HAD PASSED. freaky.

Anyway, I can't seem to find the particular song this student was talking about anywhere. I wonder where Koreans steal their music? It's academic since, as I mentioned above, the song will suck.


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