Sunday, June 12, 2005

Food Safety Rangers

One of the more amusing programs on Korean non-cable TV is ' Food Safety Rangers'. A group of health inspectors are pursued by a cameraman who then records all the atrocities that occur in University kitchens as well as mom-and-pop galbi joints. What makes it particularly compelling is the background commentary, although I can't follow it at all. The actor providing the voice-over gets progressively more excited as the Rangers team busts violators and eventually, at the climax of a scene; let's say a grill with whole pieces of leftover pork on it; his yammering voice cracks in excitement in a pitch suitable for world cup soccer goals.

I don't really think about how safe it is to eat here, but I assume there must be dirty kitchens in Canada also. What we don't have is a group of dedicated televised culinary gumshoes who uncover the grime and mold and spoiled produce that passes muster in Wendy's or Albert's.

So I finally have internet.
I have so much to write but it's all jumbled up in a fuzzy chronology. I think I will unleash the torrent in easily digestible paragraphs, limiting myself to one topic and one mixed metaphor per post.

Whatever you do, don't cross the streams!

Today's picture is a typical scene of the skyline in Seoul. They just can't build fast enough. I need more cranes! MORE CRANES!!!


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