Friday, July 29, 2005

Intensives Suck

Ok, I said I wasn't going to bitch about work anymore, but ... gawd, it's so cathartic!

So, apparently I was the only person who didn't go to work on the Saturday before Intensives started. That was the reason that my director asked me to come in early on Tuesday. Hey, teachers, grab a brain - when you willingly overwork yourselves for no pay, the rest of us have no leverage to enforce the contract. That is one reason that the Dogok branch was so nice to work for - the teachers ruled that goddamn roost.

Don't get me wrong - I really like the people I work with, it's just that there is some sort of competition to see who can be the patron saint of Stoically bending to some messed Tyrannical Confucian Ideal. Did you read in the newspapers that Korea switched to a 5 day work week? Then start acting like it!

So yes, I went into work 10 minutes late and yes, they called me, and yes, I didn't apologize and yes, I was wearing shorts and sandals (without socks - I mean, please) since it was pandemonically hot. Eat it!

The Horror!

Also, today I was enraged to find that after the serviceman had been let into my apartment to fix the air condititioner all he had done was to COMPLETELY RE-ARRANGE MY PERFECTLY ARRANGED COMPUTER NOOK and to clean out the filter all over my bathroom floor. Do you know what happens when you re-arrange perfection? It becomes much less perfect. Perfection is only attainable in one instance. Do you know what happens to big chunks ( too big for the shower filter) of black goop that had accumulated in my air-con filter and have now mixed with the shower water on my bathroom floor? They become an alien lifeform that I cannot even bear to touch much less look at. Still, I photographed the horror so you that you can be equally indignant. If that weren't enough - this guy went into my tape drawer and used about 5 feet of my double-sided sticky tape. For what????!!! For those of you who know me, you will know that is a pisser.

Did he use my razor too? I can't be sure!


Blogger Burnt Toast said...

Mongolia here I come! As for the teachers well I've already commented on that in Blueshoe's blog. But I'd like to add that I don't think it's much different for a lot of North American working stiffs. This is just a foreign precursor for what awaits them at home. Silly @!#*! I couldn't help but think of Bart Simpson when I read: "the teachers ruled that goddamn roost". Maybe Lance was right?

2:46 a.m.  

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